Today on The Morning DROP we had Jessie from Inside Out Youth Services call in today for a Therapy Tuesday session regarding the tragedy in Colorado Springs at Club Q.
About Jessie:
Jessie is a queer activist, poet, and community organizer committed to the liberation of LGBTIA2+ young people. She is charged with mobilizing resources, people, community, policy, and strategy to build access, equity, and power with LGBTQIA2+ young people. She is also responsible for making sure there are ample opportunities to dance.
About IOYS:
Inside Out Youth Services is the only nonprofit in the Pikes Peak region dedicated to serving LGBTQIA2+ young people, ages 13-24. At the Inside Out community center, youth may access a food pantry and clothing closet, evidence-based programs that cover everything from comprehensive sexual education to life skills, leadership and social opportunities, and a network of trusted adults. Out in the community, the Inside Out team offers trainings, advocacy, hot-spot mapping and other services to ensure LGBTQIA2+ youth have safe spaces across the region.
IOTS Community Programs:
Pikes Peak Safe at Schools Coalition: Educators, parents, students, activists, working to make schools safer for youth.Intro to LGBTQIA2+: Training on the basics of LGBTQIA2+ identities and how to be supportive.
Trusted Adult training: Helping adults learn how to have difficult conversations with young people.
Hot Spot Mapping: A state-certified practice that maps safe and unsafe areas of a building or a community.
Advocacy: When an issue comes up publicly that affects our LGBTQIA2+ community for better or worse, we organize and advocate around it. Includes policy consultation, rallies, open letters, and other advocacy actions.
- Past advocacy has included:
- An open letter to the State Board of Education advocating for inclusive social studies standards
- Rallies at District 11 Board meetings to oppose transphobic comments made by Board members
- Consultation on a district’s policy around LGBTQIA2+ student confidentiality.
GSA support: Through presentations, resource sharing, and networking, Inside Out supports local Gender-Sexuality Alliances, Pride Clubs, Diversity Clubs, and other LGBTQIA2+ student groups.
TransParenting: A monthly support and advocacy group for parents of transgender and gendernon-conforming children of any age.
Learn more about IOYS at their website at:

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