Community Corner | Food For Hope

Written by on August 16, 2024

Latest posts by Theresa Ho (see all)

Shopping With Dignity: Emily Stromquist Provides Food for Families & Kids in Need

Emily Stromquist, Executive Director for Food for Hope joined Community Corner to discuss the organization’s mission of empowering and strengthening the future of communities by providing nutritious food to children in need. Currently, Food for Hope works with school districts in Adams County, where Emily shared that about 1 in 5 children are not receiving adequate nutrition at home, and has started a growth initiative so that the organization can serve more people in the community.

The organization, which is approaching its ten year anniversary, started with weekend food bags. Over time, Food for Hope began providing snacks after hearing from counselors and teachers that they saw kids who consistently didn’t have snacks. Their in-school food banks started in 2019 but began taking off when kids returned to school after the pandemic.

Emily emphasized the importance of creating a friendly and open environment for families to shop with dignity, listening to the community to understand what kind of food they would like, and trying to help parents feel like they can take at least one worry off of their plate.

To learn more about Food For Hope:

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