Join us for a space of celebration and connection as we come together to share the stories of Colorado’s Black queer community.
Bring your memories, and we will give you the tools to record your stories!
What: Memory recording workshop
Who: All those who embrace their African American heritage and their queerness.
When: Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 4pm-6pm
Where: Community Room, 1st Floor of The Buell Media Center. 2101 Arapahoe St, Denver.
Cost: FREE
RSVP at h-co.org/Sept6Workshop
Contact: María Islas-Lopez, 303.866.2421, maria.islaslopez@state.co.us
Kim Salvaggio, kimsalvaggio@rmpbs.org
Kim Salvaggio, kimsalvaggio@rmpbs.org
In partnership with
Black Pride Colorado & Rocky Mountain PBS
Black Pride Colorado & Rocky Mountain PBS